Life Skills Checklist

What do I hope to teach my boys before they leave the house?

My babies are growing quickly before my eyes. As an OT, I have always encouraged and fostered their independence. That is easy when they are young; they are always around and it is innate for them to want to try things that you are doing. I can tell that as they grow and we are not together as often and we are focusing on school, sports, activities, friendships, travel, etc., I will need to make a conscious effort to teach them these life skills. Some are serious and some are just things I wish I learned sooner!

These are specific life skills I hope to teach them. They are not the broad aspects that I hope for them, such as: being a good person, being kind, finding their own way in the world, being happy, asking for consent etc etc etc.

Would love to hear if you have any to add!!

Life skills checklist:

  • How to cut a pineapple

  • How to cut an avocado

  • How to cut an onion

  • How to cut a whole chicken

  • How to roast a chicken

  • How to cook eggs (scrambled, over easy, frittata)

  • How to sort, wash, fold laundry

  • How to change a tire

  • How to check the oil

  • How to start a fire

  • How to write a good thank you note

  • How to write a professional email

  • How to write a check

  • How to balance a budget

  • How to pump gas

  • How to start a lawn mower / snow blower and perform those tasks

  • How to properly set the table

  • Register to vote

  • How to jumpstart a car

  • How to unclog a toilet

  • How to use a fire extinguisher

  • How to change windshield wiper fluid

  • Proper etiquette rules when dining

  • Basic First Aid / CPR skills

  • How to set up a tent

  • Knowledge of female anatomy / cycles

  • How to use a drill